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Capacity Building


The Migration Policy Group uses its expertise on anti-discrimination and equality to help other organisations make full use of the tools available to combat discrimination and contribute to positive change resulting in open and inclusive societies.

Hundreds of civil society groups working to combat discrimination in the EU and beyond have benefited from MPG’s training programmes and materials. We view training as a key way to build capacity at national level among non-governmental and governmental organisations, corporate groups and trade unions.

Our training combines both theory and practice; in addition to providing situational analyses, explaining concepts and legal definitions we offer practical tools to empower people to fight discrimination and understand and implement diversity strategies.

Our capacity building work includes an ambitious training course for NGOs in EU member states and pre-accession countries on European and national anti-discrimination laws and policies. We implemented the first tier of this cascade training project, a ‘training of trainers’ course for six trainers from each of the then ten new EU member states as well as Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey. These trainers in turn used their new expertise to train more than 500 NGOs in the 13 countries.

As part of this project, MPG co-produced a training methods manual as well as a manual outlining the role of the EU and its institutions, its legal framework and its anti-discrimination laws and policies. A country-specific version was produced for each country, in the respective language, including a dedicated chapter on domestic laws and policies produced in collaboration with national NGO partners.

This project was followed by a series of training seminars on anti-discrimination and diversity management which targeted new audiences including over 800 trade unions, employers’ associations and private companies. Diversity management focuses on capitalising on the benefits of diversity and minimising workplace challenges. It remains a young discipline in Europe and one which MPG continues to promote by developing ‘how-to’ manuals, handbooks, seminars and training programmes.


Are you looking for past news and events related to the Capacity Building project?

News and events prior to 2012 are available in our archive.

In Partnership With:

  • human european consultancy