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European Network of Legal Experts in Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination


The Migration Policy Group, Human European Consultancy and Utrecht University have established and manage a European Network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination which provides independent information and advice on the transposition and implementation of EU law on gender equality and non-discrimination. The Network covers: all 28 EU Member States; the candidate countries Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey; as well as the EFTA countries Liechtenstein, Iceland, and Norway.

The Migration Policy Group is managing the content of the work on non-discrimination law covering the grounds of race and ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age and sexual orientation, while Utrecht University is responsible for the content on gender equality.

The network consists in principle of two country experts for each of the 35 countries covered by the network; one expert on non-discrimination and one on gender equality. The management of the network is ensured by a team led by the Migration Policy Group, Human European Consultancy and Utrecht University. In addition, an Executive Committee supports the content coordinators to ensure the scientific quality of the work. The Executive Committee consists of senior experts covering the six grounds of discrimination and highly qualified senior experts in overarching fields such as EU law, human rights law and social security.

As of 2015, the European Network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination replaces two separate previous Networks: the European Network of Legal Experts in the non-discrimination field (managed by MPG and HEC) and the European Network of Legal Experts in the field of gender equality (managed by Utrecht University). The work of the new Network covers the combined scope of the two previous networks and will produce similar products as the two previous networks combined.

What we do

The task of the Network is to produce information, advice and reports.

The information includes:

  • The transposition and practical implementation of the Racial Equality Directive and of the Employment Equality Directive
  • The transposition and practical implementation of the gender equality Directives: the Social Security Directive, the Pregnancy and Maternity Directive, the Goods and Services Directive, the Recast Directive, the Parental Leave Directive and the Self-Employment Directive.
  • National initiatives in the fields of anti-discrimination and gender equality legislation and related policy developments
  • The impact of national court rulings that have the effect of establishing jurisprudence on the level of protection provided by national law against discrimination on all six grounds
  • The potential conformity of national developments with the requirements of EU law
  • The impact of judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights on national law

The Network produces:

  • Comprehensive country reporting on non-discrimination and on gender equality
  • Comparative analyses
  • Thematic reports
  • Regular flash reports
  • Bi-annual bulletins of the European Equality Law Review
  • One-day annual seminar

Management team

  • General coordinator: Marcel Zwamborn, Human European Consultancy
  • Content coordinator, Non-discrimination: Isabelle Chopin, Migration Policy Group
  • Content coordinator, Gender equality: Susanne Burri, Utrecht University
  • Project Management Assistants: Ivette Groenendijk and Andrea Trotter, Human European Consultancy
  • Research editor, Non-discrimination: Catharina Germaine, Migration Policy Group
  • Assistants, Gender equality: Alexandra Timmer and Alice Welland, Utrecht University

Executive Committee

  • Lilla Farkas, Migration Policy Group (race and ethnic origin including Roma)
  • Mark Freedland, Oxford University (age)
  • Christopher McCrudden, Queen’s University Belfast (EU and human rights law)
  • Frans Pennings, Utrecht University (social security)
  • Isabelle Rorive, Free University Brussels (religion and belief)
  • Linda Senden, Utrecht University (gender)
  • Krzysztof Smiszek, Polish Society of Anti-Discrimination Law (sexual orientation)
  • Christa Tobler, Universities of Leiden and Basel (EU law and sex, gender identity and gender expression in relation to trans and intersex people)
  • Lisa Waddington, Maastricht University  (disability)

Country Experts

Country Legal expert on non-discrimination law Legal expert on gender equality law
Austria Dieter Schindlauer Martina Thomasberger
Belgium Emmanuelle Bribosia Jean Jacqmain
Bulgaria Margarita Ilieva Genoveva Tisheva
Croatia Lovorka Kusan Nada Bodiroga-Vukobrat
Cyprus Corina Demetriou Evangelia Lia Efstratiou-Georgiades
Czech Republic David Zahumenský Kristina Koldinská
Denmark Pia Justesen Christina D. Tvarnø
Estonia Vadim Poleshchuk Anu Laas
Finland Rainer Hiltunen Kevät Nousiainen
France Sophie Latraverse Sylvaine Laulom
FYROM Biljana Kotovska Mirjana Najcevska
Germany Matthias Mahlmann Ulrike Lembke
Greece Athanasios Theodoridis Sophia Koukoulis-Spiliotopoulos
Hungary Andras Kadar Beáta Nacsa
Iceland Gudrun D. Gudmundsdottir Herdís Thorgeirsdóttir
Ireland Orlagh O’Farrell Frances Meenan
Italy Chiara Favilli Simonetta Renga
Latvia Anhelita Kamenska Kristīne Dupate
Liechtenstein Wilfried Marxer Nicole Mathé
Lithuania Gediminas Andriukaitis Tomas Davulis
Luxembourg Tania Hoffmann Anik Raskin
Malta Tonio Ellul Peter G. Xuereb
Montenegro Nenad Koprivica Ivana Jelic
Netherlands Rikki Holtmaat Marlies Vegter
Norway Else Leona McClimans Helga Aune
Poland Lukasz Bojarski Eleonora Zielinska
Portugal Ana Maria Guerra Martins Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho
Romania Romanita Iordache lustina Ionescu
Serbia Ivana Krstic Ivana Krstic
Slovakia Janka Debreceniova Zuzana Magurová
Slovenia Neža Kogovšek Šalamon Tanja Koderman Sever
Spain Lorenzo Cachón (María) Amparo Ballester (Pastor)
Sweden Per Norberg Ann Numhauser-Henning
Turkey Dilek Kurban Nurhan Süral
United Kingdom Aileen McColgan Aileen McColgan

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