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MPG is coordinating the first European Citizens’ Initiative on migration to engage the public and transform EU migration policy. We want a million signatures to reclaim our right to help and empower a #WelcomingEurope. Join us and sign the petition to ask the EU to: 1) Stop the criminalisation of solidarity across Europe, 2) Support European citizens who want to offer safety to people fleeing persecution, and 3) Help victims …Read More

Vacancy: full-time Legal Policy Analyst

MPG is currently looking for a full-time Legal Policy Analyst. The selected candidate should be able to start in January 2018. The deadline for applications is 11 December 2017. The following document outlines the job description and the requirements for the position: Job Description To apply please complete the MPG employment application form: Application Form Please download these documents, read them carefully, and make sure you answer the requirements in …Read More

Vacancy: SIRIUS Coordinator

MPG as the chair of the SIRIUS network is currently looking for a Network Coordinator for the European Policy Network on the education of children and young people with a migrant background (SIRIUS). The selected candidate should be able to start ideally as of 1 July 2016. The contract is half-time with the possibility for four days per week. The deadline for applications is 8 June 2016 The following document …Read More

Border Stories: From there to here. How innovative research into personal experiences can help the EU address Intra EU mobility and Third Country Migration – Brussels – 3 February 2016

How can academic research help policy makers frame the best policies to manage the emerging reality of internal and external migration across the EU? This event brings together policy, research and practice in migration studies with a particular focus on understanding the social context of migration and migrants, both at home and in their new countries, as it pertains to young people and the non-migrants who now find themselves at …Read More

Integration of refugees: How do cities and institutions respond? – Brussels – 2 February 2016

The current migration crisis is a huge test for European, national, regional and local authorities across Europe. Whereas some innovative solutions have been put in place to deal with the situation in the short term, the longer perspective i.e. the future integration of refugees in their host communities, has received far less attention. However, successful integration is key and will occupy the national and European agenda for the decades to …Read More

Le rôle des entreprises dans l’intégration des migrants en Europe : quels enseignements pour la France ? – Paris – 8 December 2015

Contexte Les entreprises sont au cœur des parcours d’intégration des étrangers primo-arrivants. En effet, l’insertion professionnelle joue un rôle essentiel dans l’accès à de nombreux droits et services en Europe et renforce le sentiment d’appartenance à la société d’accueil. Or, les migrants font face à de nombreux obstacles pour accéder à l’emploi : difficile reconnaissance des diplômes du pays d’origine, non maitrise de la langue, non accès à certains emplois réservés, …Read More

West London Alliance Social Value Conference – London – 7 December 2015

Former MPG Director Jan Niessen will represent MPG at the West London Alliance Social Value Conference. He will present the outcomes of the Diversity in the Economy and Local integration (DELI) project, and in particular how the use of social considerations in public procurement fits the European agenda.