In this report MPG develops a benchmarking methodology to enhance learning from successful integration policies. It was commissioned and published by the European Parliament. The full report or a seperate executive summary are available for download here, in English and French.
MPG investigates how policymakers and stakeholders across Europe can set standards and learn from one another with the aim of improving their integration policies and practices.
Part One establishes the main steps of a benchmarking exercise on integration policies: the definition of beneficiaries and data collection, the articulation of a benchmarking definition of integration, the selection of partners, the assessment of public debates, the identification of impediments and areas of improvement and the development of indicators.
Part Two turns to the European level to assess the potential benchmarking roles of the European institutions as enactors of EU legislation, such as on civic citizenship, and as initiators in Open Methods of Coordination on employment, social inclusion and education.
Part Three concludes with proposals for a European system to empower benchmarking communities at the European level.