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European indicators of migrant integration


MPG and its partners have been selected to organise a series of European reports and seminars around the new European indicators of migrant integration. The reports are drawn up and the seminars organised on behalf of the European Commission.

MPG is partnering with the European Service Network as well as researchers from the Free University of Brussels (ULB) and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).


The reports and seminars will analyse whether the different integration realities in the EU Member States are the result of different: integration and migration policies immigrant populations general contexts and policies. The project will also improve how the European indicators of migrant integration capture and monitor the specific outcomes of integration policies. As a result, policy actors can better: evaluate the effectiveness of integration policies appreciate the other factors that shape the integration process engage in the data and policy implications of indicators mainstream integration into European cooperation and targets, including the EU2020 Strategy.


Increased political commitments on integration at all levels of governance have made indicators part of the policymaking and academic landscape. Debates and projects have emerged within intergovernmental and civil society networks. A few EU Member States with extensive integration governance structures have invested in national indicators and monitoring systems. European indicators of migrant integration were approved by EU Member States in June 2010. These indicators, based on the EU2020 indicators and the EU’s Common Basic Principles, cover four core areas for integration: employment, social inclusion, education, and active citizenship. Eurostat published the data in a 2011 pilot study. The Commission’s July 2011 European Agenda for Integration sees these common indicators as a way to systematically monitor the integration situation and EU2020 targets, enhance policy coordination, and make recommendations in dialogue with the Member States.


Analysis Reports will explain the data behind the European indicators, test the effectiveness of specific migration and integration policies, and measure the impact of other policies and explanatory factors. MPG will agree a common methodology with researchers at the Free University of Brussels (ULB) who will each analyse one of the four core areas. Assessment Report will confirm whether the current indicators are relevant for integration and whether current data sources are robust to calculate them. MPG and ICMPD will propose additional indicators and data sources based on the agreed European indicators, the EU2020 strategy, and active citizenship. Monitoring Proposal will outline how the European Commission can use the current and proposed indicators to systematically monitor the results of integration policies. MPG will consider how to build a dynamic monitoring system out of the existing mechanisms for European cooperation among integration stakeholders. Seminars Three expert seminars on the EU integration indicators will take place during 2012:

  • Employment
  • Education
  • Social inclusion and Active Citizenship

90-95 experts on integration indicators will attend from all EU Member States. These specialised and balanced delegations will include policymakers, statistical experts, and civil society representatives who have produced, analysed, and used indicators on the given topic. Participants will bring their insights and experiences into discussions of the findings of the analysis and assessment reports. A first set of workshops will address the impact of different migration and integration policies, immigrant populations, and general policies and contexts. Participants will engage the longer term implications of these findings. The second set of workshops will address the current and future policy options and data sources. Plenary sessions will introduce participants to the recent achievements on indicators at EU and national level. All these discussions will help shape the project’s final reports and proposals.



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In Partnership with:

  • icmpd
  • esn