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Diversity in Political Parties workshop – Berlin – 4 February 2014

Divpol logoThe Diversity in Political Parties’ Programmes, Organisation and Representation (DivPol) project is organising its fifth workshop in a series of seven. MPG Director will present and discuss MPG’s benchmarking tool on diversity within political parties. The benchmark is translated in German.

The aim of the project is to initiate, assess and support diversity development processes with regard to ethnic diversity in major political parties in member states. The project both raises awareness and develops practical tools to promote diversity development in parties, particularly at the national level, and enhances the chances of participation for third-country nationals (TCNs) in parties. It builds on MPG’s previous work with political parties. In particular, MPG’s benchmarking tool on diversity within political parties serves as the indicators framework in this new project.

CJD_EutinThe workshops are designed to help parties reflect upon their pivotal role in practically and tangibly improving the levels of immigrant representation in mainstream politics and to implement more inclusive policies in their internal decision-making structures. MPG’s benchmarking tool offers the opportunity for parties who wish to open themselves more to this process to actually assess themselves and their situation and to engage more people with an immigrant background in the party. Workshop participants include party members with and without TCN background, representatives of political migrant organizations and elected politicians with/without TCN background.

The workshop in Berlin is organised in cooperation with the Eutin branch of the Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands.