The Vejle Conference – a step towards drafting of guidelines for the use of the European Modules on Migrant Integration
In the December 2011 Conclusions of Justice and Home Affairs Council which were negotiated under the Polish Presidency, the need for the drafting of non-binding guidelines for the implementation of the European Modules on Migrant Integration was emphasised.
Based on the presentations and the discussions during the Vejle conference, the Danish Presidency aims to collect concrete input to the drafting of ”non-binding guidelines” as a follow- up to the current draft version of the European Modules on Migrant Integration. An initial outline of the possible content of such guidelines for the use of the Modules is expected to be presented by the Presidency to the Member States and the European Commission in the forum of the National Contact Points on Integration. The aim is that such guidelines could provide ideas on how to make use of the the European Modules on Migrant Integration and include proposals on how the current draft version may be realized into a flexible toolbox, which can reach the target groups at different levels.
Anne Friel of the Migration Policy Group will share her expertise on two ongoing projects. Migrant Voices: Mainstreaming Diversity in Political Parties and the European Web Site on Integration.