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EPIM grantees workshop: Messaging, media and online communication


MPG Executive Programme Manager Alex Kirchberger will attend a capacity building workshop on ‘Messaging, media and online communication’ for grantees of the European Programme for Integration and Migration on 6-8 April 2011 in London


This interactive capacity building event, organised by the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM) of the Network of European Foundations (NEF) and hosted by the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, will focus on online communications and media training.

There will also be site visits to a number of London-based organisations working with migrants.

Participation in this meeting follows on from EPIM’s May 2010 decision to award a grant to MPG for a one-year pilot project aiming to formulate diversity-related benchmarks specifically tailored to political parties in the UK, France and Germany. To see more on the project: Diversity in Political Parties.

EPIM logoFor more information on EPIM, click here.