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EPIM workshop on Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Public Campaigns and Advocacy 22/09/2010 – 23/09/2010 Dublin, Ireland


The Migration Policy Group will present the project ‘Migrant Voices: Mainstreaming Diversity in Political Parties’ at a grantees’ workshop organised by the European Programme for Integration and Migration to take place on 22 & 23 September 2010 in Dublin


EPIM logoThe event, organised by the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM) of the Network of European Foundations (NEF) and hosted by Atlantic Philanthropies, will focus on the effective evaluation and impact assessment of public campaigns and advocacy initiatives.

Participation in this meeting follows on from EPIM’s May 2010 decision to award a grant to MPG for a one-year pilot project aiming to formulate diversity-related benchmarks specifically tailored to political parties in the UK, France and Germany (see: MPG wins grant to boost diversity in politics).


About the project

NEF logoThis project aims to assess the extent to which migrants’ voices are successfully heard at all levels of possible interaction with political parties – constituents, voters, activists, employees, political candidates – and to formulate benchmarks to help parties “practice what they preach” by mainstreaming diversity into party processes across the political spectrum.

The project has 4 specific objectives:

  • Mapping/comparative analysis of political party diversity initiatives in the project’s three target countries (France, UK, Germany);
  • Successful engagement of senior strategists from a range of political parties in the three target countries;
  • Development of effective diversity-related benchmarks and indicators relevant to political parties;
  • Comprehensive dissemination of the project’s results to national and European stakeholders.

The project begins in December 2010 and runs for 12 months.