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Equality Data Symposium and High-level Roundtable on Equality Data Collection Guidelines – Brussels – 26 November 2014

On 26 November 2014, MPG co-hosted the Equality Data Symposium, together with the Open Society Foundations and the European Network Against Racism. The symposium aimed at presenting the final Equality Data Initiative report written by Isabelle Chopin, Lilla Farkas and Catharina Germaine (MPG) for the Open Society Foundations. Lilla Farkas spoke during the plenary session of the symposium, presenting the main findings of the report regarding the collection of ethnic origin and disability data to effectively tackle discrimination.

In the afternoon a closed doors High-level Roundtable was organised by MPG, gathering a small number of participants from the Symposium, including representatives of the European Commission, Eurostat, FRA, ECRI, and national data protection authorities as well as statisticians and academics. The participants were invited to discuss and provide feedback on a set of draft guidelines for the collection of equality data, developed by MPG based on the main findings of the final EDI report presented during the Symposium.