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EU begins more regular in-depth analysis of migrant integration indicators

Eurostat_LogoEurostat, the EU’s Statistical Office, has begun to regularly publish detailed reports on the annual migrant integration indicators (also known as the EU’s ‘Zaragoza’ Indicators). The publication is a detailed ‘Statistics Explained’ report and includes key charts and raw data and as well as references to relevant studies, including MIPEX and the OECD.

This information on Labour market migrant integration indicators are the first in a planned series of publications on migrant integration, including social inclusion and education, to be released in Autumn this year.

Furthermore, a multiannual publication on migrant integration indicators will be published jointly by the EU and the OECD in the first quarter of 2015, building on the OECD’s 2012 ‘Settling In’ Report.

This way forward follows the recommendations in MPG’s 2013 report with ESN on Using EU Indicators of Immigrant Integration. Based on desk research and discussions with around one hundred users from government, academia, and NGOs, the report recommended that the European Commission’s DG Home Affairs and Eurostat can help policymakers better understand the context for integration policymaking by improving the annual publication of the EU indicators through the Eurostat website and a basic descriptive ‘Statistics Explained’ report. The report further suggested that the EU could build on this baseline and push for more evidence-based policymaking through a new multiannual ‘integration report’ with in-depth and multivariate analysis of migrant integration indicators.