In its recent report on the effectiveness of the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals, the European Court of Auditors used MIPEX to select the five countries to be audited.
This special report entitled ‘Do the European Integration Fund and European Refugee Fund contribute effectively to the integration of third-country nationals?‘ addressed whether the European Integration Fund and European Refugee Fund of the SOLID programme contribute effectively to the integration of thirdcountry nationals.
The development of integration legislation as measured by MIPEX was among the key criteria which the European Court of Auditors used to select the Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, Portugal and the United Kingdom as countries in which European Integration Fund projects were audited.
The audit concluded that it has not been possible to measure success of the annual programmes due to the lack of a proper monitoring and valuation system. Nevertheless, most of the individual projects audited achieved positive results. Member States generally consider the Funds to have added value.