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EU Homelessness Network considers housing of legal migrants 16/11/2012 Barcelona, Spain


Thomas Huddleston will provide an overview of the EU Member States’ policies on housing rights, requirements, and discrimination protections for third-country national workers, family members, and long-term residents. He will also suggest relevant indicators for housing outcomes across the EU.


FEANTSAThe workshop, organised by FEANTSA (the European Federation of National Organisations Working with Homeless People), aims at assessing the level of integration of immigrants in the housing market and at identifying which indicators are best to make such an assessment. One of the main questions is how Member States can improve integration policies on housing and what is the role of the EU. Third-country nationals who have a residence permit, mainly economic migrants and family members, are generally expected to support themselves in order not to have recourse to public funds and consequently become a burden on the social assistance system of the host country. Access to housing for third-country nationals varies greatly among the Member States and evidence suggests that discrimination is still widespread, resulting in more vulnerability to homelessness among people belonging to minority ethnic groups.