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European Education Councils discuss how to work on migration 15/10/2012 – 17/10/2012 Larnaca, Cyprus


Thomas Huddleston’ introductory keynote speech will link migrant education policies and outcomes to the broader migration and integration policies in today’s Europe. Thomas will present the results of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (www.mipex.eu) and MPG’s on-going analysis of the factors that influence migrant education outcomes.


EUNEC (1)EUNEC is organising this conference on Migration and Education in the margins of the Cyprus Presidency of the European Union.

European countries have moved away from the culturally homogeneous places they may have considered themselves to be, mainly due to migration. Multicultural communities are growing at a rapid pace with many migrants intending to stay for the long term in the host country. these demographic changes bring out the need and challenge to deal effectively with students from diverse backgrounds and turn diversity into educational success.The aim of the conference is thus to investigate in which way education can become more effective and equitable so that students of migrant origin succeed in school, are challenged to learn and develop all their talents and competences.

The first day of the conference will focus on the policy level, with key notes on migration policies throughout Europe and on diverse pedagogic and educational answers. The second day will focus on the school level and include a visit to a school in the educational priority zone.