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Final conference on “Building Inclusive Societies” – Brussels – 23 & 24 June 2015

”Building Inclusive Societies” builds upon the collaborative experience of two transnational partnerships involving 21 European cities in efforts to promote intercultural integration and to enhance democratic governance and security in the context of rapid societal change.

The conference showcases innovative and effective approaches to the economic integration of migrants and the fight against negative perceptions and attitudes. Making the business case for diversity, helping local governments to better articulate its strategic economic value, while promoting balanced approach to communication about diversity and migration, are the cornerstones of the projects DELI (Diversity in the Economy and Local Integration) and C4I (Communication for Integration).

The participants will assess the outcome of local initiatives implemented in the framework of these two projects and discuss possibilities for changes and improvements for the wider community of cities facing the challenges of integration and diversity management.

Jan Niessen will act as DELI rapporteur general.

Policy-makers and practitioners responsible for the field of integration from the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the European Parliament, together with the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe and the Committee of Regions are invited to participate in the debates.