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Learning from Others and its Limits – 24-25 November 2015 – Hannover (Germany)

SVRThomas Huddleston and Jan Niessen will explain MIPEX as a comparison tool for migration research. In the recently published sixth Annual Report, the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR) systematically compares Germany’s migration and integration policies to the policies mainly of countries perceived to be particularly successful and therefore considered migration and integration policy role models by the public (Canada, USA and Sweden as well as other European countries).

The comparison leads to two central insights: for one, it shows that Germany has by now entered into the ranks of progressive immigration countries. It has clearly caught up conceptually in its migration management and promotion of integration and stands the comparison with classic immigration countries – especially in the field of labour migration policies. Moreover, it can be established that many provisions of migration and integration policy show an international convergence development. On the other hand, analyses show deficits and omissions of German and European policies, for example the lack of an outward and inward bound overall plan for migration policies, the urgent need for reform of citizenship policy and the necessity to reform the common European asylum system.

For more information on the event, click here.