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Legal Seminar on Anti-Discrimination Directives 20/10/2005 Brussels, Belgium


Legal Seminar on the implementation of the Race Equality Directive and the Employment Equality Directive (2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC)


The seminar aims to provide representatives of governments, of equality bodies, members of the Network of Independent Legal Experts and other stakeholders with an opportunity to exchange views on the transposition and implementation of the two Anti-discrimination Directives.

The seminar will focus on:

  • identifying difficulties with the implementation of the Directives and ways how these difficulties were overcome; and
  • identifying specific challenges for the further development of anti-discrimination law and policies.

A well-informed debate enhances the uniform and dynamic interpretation of EU anti-discrimination law.

The seminar is organised by the European Network of Independent Legal Experts in non-discrimination and the European Commission.

The Network is managed by Human European Consultancy in partnership with MPG