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Measuring Progress in Lifelong Learning – Brussels – 5 December 2013

EUCIS-LLLMPG Director Jan Niessen will present findings on education from the Migrant Integration Policy Index and the work of the SIRIUS European Policy Network at an international seminar organised by EUCIS-LLL, the European civil society platform on lifelong learning.

The lack of consensus on what is quality education (formal, non-formal and informal) impedes the elaboration of adequate and effective indicators to measure progress in lifelong learning. As the definition of quality and progress change according to short-term political decisions, the scope of indicators changes as well and measurements are rarely made in a sustainable way.

The European Commission for instance is constantly working on new and more relevant indicators that have a central role under the Open Method of Coordination and in the European Education and Training Strategic Framework 2020 (ET2020).

This seminar is about rethinking progress measurement in lifelong learning in a partnership approach, as citizens’ voice should count in defining what is advanced education and how to make it happen.