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Migration and Cultural Integration in Europe – Brussels – 11 December 2013

The conference brings together researchers and practitioners, so that they may share on each other various perspectives on the cultural integration of migrants. The aim thereby is to contribute both to a broader understanding of cultural integration and of the causes and consequences of national divergences in this field. It brings together professionals dealing with the integration of migrants and provides them with good-practice examples. Furthermore it will provide a forum for EUNIC’s cultural institutes to discuss the potential, challenges and pitfalls of a common European strategy on the cultural integration of migrants.

Sarah Cooke O’Dowd, MPG Policy Analyst and Communications Manager for the SIRIUS European Policy Network, will be speaking on the first panel regarding New Perspectives on the Cultural Integration of Migrants. She will present the work of the SIRIUS network with regards to multilingualism and citizenship education as factors that contribute to the cultural integration of immigrants and minorities.