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MIPEX to get a health strand

MIPEX-healthThe International Organization for Migration, the Migration Policy Group and the research network ADAPT (COST Action IS1103, “Adapting European health systems to diversity”) have agreed to work together to enrich the next edition of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) with a new strand on health. The updating of the MIPEX is co-financed by DG Home Affairs under the European Integration Fund, while the inclusion of the health strand forms part of the IOM’s action ‘Equi-Health’ which is co-financed by EAHC/ DG SANCO within the EU 2012 Public Health Programme.

The MIPEX will now cover eight policy areas that are vitally important for immigrant integration, ranging from issues related to health, education and employment to securing residence, family life, and political participation, naturalisation and anti-discrimination. The research starts in 2014 and covers all EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland as well as OECD members such as Canada, the United States, Australia, Japan and Korea. The results will be presented on the interactive MIPEX website (mipex.eu) and at national launch debates in 2015.