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MIPEX makes the rounds at this week’s Tenth Annual IMISCOE Conference


Professor Timothy Hatton from the Australian National University used the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) as a reference on family reunification policies for his keynote speech at the Tenth Annual IMISCOE Conference organised this week in Malmö. Researchers working on migrant integration also referred to MIPEX within the workshop focusing on the monitoring and evaluation of integration policies.

The IMISCOE research network unites over 200 researchers from, at present, 29 institutes specializing in studies of international migration, integration and social cohesion in Europe. What began in 2004 as a network of Excellence sponsored by the sixth framework Program of the European commission became, as of April 2009, an independent self-funding project open to qualifies researchers and research institutes worldwide.

As Europe is currently muddling through a deep economic crisis with repercussions on the political stability of many European states, including the European Union as such, the Tenth IMISCOE Conference aimed at directing attention to the links between the crisis and patterns of migration into, between and from European countries.