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Non-discrimination and equality awareness-raising seminar, 09/02/2012 Glasgow, Scotland


A free awareness-raising seminar on equality and non-discrimination is being organised by Runnymede Trust for non-governmental organisations in Glasgow


Runnymede, the UK’s leading independent race equality think tank, is offering UK NGOs the opportunity to attend a training seminar focusing on the key themes of advocacy, the media and monitoring in the areas of equality and non-discrimination.

Following the success of the first seminar that took place in November in London, Runnymede Trust have confirmed that the second seminar will take place in Glasgow on 9th February 2012.

Information about the event from the organisers:

These awareness raising seminars, in the areas of non discrimination and equality targeted at civil society organisations, are part of an EU funded project which covers thirty-two European Countries. The aim is to strengthen the capacity of NGOs in their work on non-discrimination and equality.

NGOs speak for and defend those they represent as well as raise awareness about rights and the seminars have been designed to provide information and advice on the implementation and promotion of policies on equality and nondiscrimination with a particular focus on advocacy, the media and monitoring.

The seminars will be practical in nature and participants will have the opportunity to share experiences and good practice, important in these days of funding cuts and dwindling resources. They are mainly targeted at NGOs working at grass roots level and who would benefit from:

  •  more in-depth knowledge on how to work effectively with the media
  •  knowing how to set advocacy goals and objectives and identify methods and tools
  •  understanding how monitoring can be used to tackle discrimination and address disadvantage

Representatives from Local Authorities, Equality Bodies and Trade Unions are also welcome to apply.

Please click here for information on how to apply for a place at the seminar.

The number of places is unfortunately limited and participation may be subject to a selection procedure (geographical spread and representation across discrimination grounds).

About the Awareness raising project

The event is being held under the project: “Awareness-raising in the areas of non-discrimination and equality targeted at civil society organisations” project (ART) which aims to help strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations working on non-discrimination and equality by developing training materials and activities for 32 countries across Europe.

In the framework of the project “Awareness-raising in the areas of non-discrimination and equality targeted at civil society organisations”, the Migration Policy Group, together with Human European Consultancy (HEC), will produce specific training material and implement training and dissemination activities that aim at strengthening the capacity of NGOs to deal with non-discrimination and equality.

The overall goal of the project is to take a next step in the improvement of the impact and effectiveness of civil society organisations with regard to the implementation of equality and non-discrimination legislation and policy.

The duration of the current project is 18 months, starting December 2010.

32 countries are involved (EU, EEA/EFTA, Croatia, FYROM, Turkey, Serbia).