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Acquisition and Loss of Nationality: Policies and trends in 15 European countries

Acquisition and Loss of Nationality is the product of an international network of researchers that analysed the rules and practices regulating the acquisition and loss of nationality in the fifteen ‘old’ EU Member States. The results of this EU-funded project, which ran from mid 2004 to the end of 2005 under the acronym NATAC (The acquisition of nationality in EU Member States: rules, practices and quantitative developments), are published in two volumes by Amsterdam University Press.

MPG is the author of the chapter assessing the implementation of nationality law from the perspective of NGOs. MPG was subcontracted by the NATAC project consortium to provide reports on NGO views on administrative practices, information, policies and campaigns for naturalisation in the Member States, as well as compile a comparative report on the implementation of nationality laws and nationality and citizenship policies from the perspective of NGOs active in the field.

The NATAC project page provides an overview of the contents, information about the research team and links to extended versions of selected chapters, research data and statistics.

An Executive Summary including the recommendations resulting from the project as well as a policy brief are available for download.