Awareness-raising seminars in the areas of non-discrimination and equality targeted at civil society organisations (ART) project: Training manual on discrimination
In the framework of the project “Awareness-raising in the areas of non-discrimination and equality targeted at civil society organisations” (VT/2010/007), the Migration Policy Group, together with Human European Consultancy (HEC), designed and produced specific training material (training modules and training manuals) and seminars that aim at strengthening the capacity of NGOs to deal with non-discrimination and equality. All grounds protected by Directive 2000/43/EC and Directive 2000/78/EC were covered and gender-related aspects was mainstreamed into all activities. The overall goal of the project was to improve the impact and effectiveness of civil society organisations with regard to the implementation of equality and non-discrimination legislation and policy by conducting EU training seminars and series of national awareness raising seminars in 32 European countries (all 27 EU except Luxembourg, and Croatia, Norway, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Serbia and Turkey).
This training manual builds upon previous EU-funded training projects “Mapping capacity of civil society dealing with anti-discrimination” in 2004 and “Capacity Building of Civil Society dealing with Anti-Discrimination” in 2006. It is intended to be used by national trainers conducting national training seminars and to assist NGOs in their work to promote equality and non-discrimination. The manual present the EU legal framework, including an overview of the general principle and sources of EU law which are relevant to non-discrimination, as well as the role of EU institutions and bodies and agencies in promoting and ensuring non-discrimination and equality. It also describes the importance of the role of NGOs in developing and implementing policy and legislation in the field of no-discrimination and equality.
During the preparation of this manual, an assessment was carried out in all 32 countries involved in the project, aiming to identify the national needs and specificities. As a result national trainers were trained in modules which reflected the national needs and national context identified during the needs assessment phase:
- Collecting information and planning action
- Monitoring
- Advocacy
- Partnerships
- Media
- Situation testing
- Codes of conduct
The manual contains specific sections on each of these topics, forming the core of the training manual. Each file below also includes a document on national context material.
The training manual is available in English and in the national languages of the target countries.
- Training manual (EN) [without context material]
- Austria – German (3.8 MB)
- Belgium – French (4.3 MB)
- Belgium – Dutch (3.7 MB)
- Bulgaria – Bulgarian (3.2 MB)
- Croatia – Croatian (3.8 MB)
- Cyprus – Greek (2.9 MB)
- Czech Republic – Czech (2.5 MB)
- Denmark – Danish (2.6 MB)
- Estonia – Estonian (3.4 MB)
- Finland – Finnish (2.7 MB)
- France – French (3.4 MB)
- FYROM – Macedonian (4.1 MB)
- Germany – German (3.7 MB)
- Greece – Greek (4.2 MB)
- Hungary – Hungarian (4.2 MB)
- Iceland – Icelandic (3.2 MB)
- Ireland – English (4.0 MB)
- Italy – Italian (2.7 MB)
- Latvia – Latvian (4.3 MB)
- Malta – English (4.1 MB)
- Netherlands – Dutch (3.3 MB)
- Norway – Norwegian (3.7 MB)
- Portugal – Portuguese (3.3 MB)
- Romania – Romanian (3.2 MB)
- Serbia – Serbian (5.8 MB)
- Slovakia – Slovak (3.8 MB)
- Slovenia – Slovenian (3.4 MB)
- Spain – Spanish (3.2 MB)
- Turkey – Turkish (3.3 MB)
- United Kingdom – English (4.1 MB)
- Training manual – English (3.2 MB)
- Sweden – Swedish (3.3 MB)
- Lithuania – Lithuanian (2.4 MB)
- Poland – Polish (3.3 MB)