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Becoming a Party of Choice: A Tool for Mainstreaming Diversity

Becoming a Party of Choice: A Tool for Mainstreaming Diversity

The Migration Policy Group has published a toolkit for political parties to evaluate their efforts to integrate persons with a migrant background into their ranks and formulate detailed plans to mainstream diversity in their party

Political parties’ integration and diversity policies are often described and compared, and are widely publicised. Much less is known, however, about the measures which can be taken by parties to incorporate people with a migrant background into their own operations.

Aiming to remedy this, the Migration Policy Group has prepared a toolkit, Becoming a Party of Choice: a Tool for Mainstreaming Diversity, containing an assessment and benchmarking tool developed on the basis of MPG’s extensive experience of working with local authorities and private sector organisations.

The report, Becoming a Party of Choice: a Tool for Mainstreaming Diversity, can be downloaded in EnglishFrench and German, alternatively you can download each section individually:

The development of the tool was informed by responses to a questionnaire sent to the main political parties in France, Germany and the United Kingdom; as well as by a mapping of the parties’ diversity and equality initiatives.

The resulting online tool for evaluating strategies for mainstreaming diversity in political parties is available in English, French and German. Visit the Tool

The tool contains six themes to be mainstreamed across political parties’ diversity initiatives: Voters; Members; Candidates; Leaders; Employees; and Suppliers.

It allows political parties to measure the level of performance from basic to lower intermediateupper intermediate and advanced.

The tool describes and explains specific benchmarks by indicator type, category and provides examples of relevant indicators for each area.

Downloadable Files: