Migrant Integration Policy Index II
The publication ‘Civic citizenship and immigrant inclusion – a guide for the implementation of civic citizenship policies’ is a manual for stakeholders seeking to track changes in national policies and laws and to check compliance with international and European standards.
Authors: Jan Niessen, Maria Jose Peiro and Yongmi Schibel
The report proposes a framework of civic citizenship standards which covers the crucial policy areas of long-term residence, family reunification, nationality and anti-discrimination and describes policy options in terms of more or less favouring civi citizenship.
It then presents research conducted by MPG in consultation with national experts on the situation in the EU-15. The format is that of a quick reference guide with tables summarising the policy options chosen by each Member State, along with comments by the national experts.
This publication also contains an assessment of MEPs’ positions on controversial migration/citizenship matters during the 1999-2004 term. The authors Simon Hix and Abdul Noury analyse the roll-call votes by MEPs on amendments of proposed legislation pertaining to migration and citizenship. These records will be regularly updated and published on this website as the Migration Voting Monitor.
The overview of the EU-15 citizenship and inclusion policies has been used as a basis for the European Civic Citizenship and Inclusion Policy Index. The Index compares national policies against a normative framework of European standards, which revolves around a comprehensive formulation of civic citizenship relating to policies in the areas of labour market, family reunion, long-term residence, naturalization, and anti-discrimination, with the ultimate benchmark of granting immigrants rights and obligations comparable to EU citizens.
Publishers: MPG
ISBN: 2-930399-13-9