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Developing Anti-discrimination Law in Europe V – the 27 EU Member States, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey compared (2011)

Developing Anti-discrimination Law in Europe - the 27 EU Member States, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey compared 2011


In a great many European countries anti-discrimination legislation has been adopted and reviewed over recent years. This major and unprecedented operation was originally set in motion with the adoption of the two pieces of European legislation in 2000: the Racial Equality Directive (2000/43) and the Employment Equality Directive (2000/78). The transposition of these Directives into the national legal systems of the 27 Member States is described in a series of annually updated country reports produced by the European Network of Legal Experts in the non-discrimination field. This Network was established and is managed by Human European Consultancy and the Migration Policy Group on behalf of the European Commission.

The reports were written by independent national experts in each Member State. The information was provided in response to questions set out in a template format which closely followed the provisions of the two Directives. The Network’s ground coordinators (experts on the Directives’ five discrimination grounds) and content manager read and commented on various drafts of the reports. The 30 reports cover national law, the establishment of enforcement mechanisms and the adoption of other measures. They contain the information current as of 31 December 2009.   As such, they are a valuable source of information on national anti-discrimination law and can be found here.

This Comparative Analysis, drafted by Isabelle Chopin and Thien Uyen Do (Migration Policy Group), compares the information set out in the 2009 country reports in a format mirroring that of the country reports themselves and draws on some conclusions from the information contained in them.

In addition to the EU Member States, the candidate countries Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey have been part of the Network since December 2009 and reports have been issued for these countries as well.  Consequently, the authors have decided to include more detailed information about them in this comparative analysis.

You can download the report below in English, French or German.

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European Anti-discrimination Legal Network
