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Diversity and cohesion: new challenges for the integration of immigrants and minorities

The report sets as a basic principle that integration of immigrants and national minorities is one of the pillars of social cohesion. It focuses on the lessons learned since 1991 in fields such as diversity and cohesion, citizenship and participation, orderly management and migratory movements or minority protection.

Forward-looking in nature, the report identifies ways and means of establishing with a comprehensive approach, positive community relations for European societies through the promotion of a politicial, economic, cultural and legal environment favourable to diversity and the promotion of social cohesion based on the strengthening and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and particularly of social rights.

Publishers: Council of Europe Publishing and is available from www.book.coe.int/

The report can be ordered in Czech, Dutch, English, French or Russian from the Council of Europe.

ISBN: English 92 871 4345 5; French 92 871 4344