European Anti-discrimination Law Review Issue 12
The European Anti-discrimination Law Review issue number 12 is now available. The Review provides updated news, analysis and information on the implementation of anti-discrimination law in all Member states, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey
The twelfth edition of the bi-annual European Anti-Discrimination Law Review, available in English, French and German, has been published.
The Law Review provides an overview of the latest developments in European anti-discrimination law and policy, reflecting as far as possible the state of affairs up to 15 January 2011.
In this issue:
- ‘2011: a case odyssey into 10 years of anti-discrimination law’ by Thien Uyen Do
- ‘Discrimination law, self-employment and the liberal professions’ by Catherine Barnard
- European Legal Policy Update
- European Court of Justice Case Law Update
- European Committee of Social Rights Update
- News from the EU Member States, Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia and Turkey
The European Anti-discrimination Law Review is a bi-annual publication prepared by the European Network of Legal Experts in the non-discrimination field with Human European Consultancy and MPG (eds.).
The Law Review is published in English, French and German and can be downloaded below in PDF.
A subscription to receive updates on new editions of the Law Review is available here.
Aternatively, if you wish to receive free printed copies, please order from here: order page.
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