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European equality law review – Issue 2016/1

3867-european-equality-law-review-1-2016-google-chromeThe third issue of the European equality law review has been published (available in English).

The Law Review provides four in-depth analytical articles as well as an overview of the latest developments in the fields of non-discrimination and gender equality, reflecting as far as possible the state of affairs for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2015.

This issue contains the following articles:

  • The New Architecture of EU Equality Law after CHEZ: Did the Court of Justice reconceptualise direct and indirect discrimination?
    by Christopher McCrudden
  • The Istanbul Convention and the EU: Converging standards on violence against women?
    by Kevät Nousiainen
  • Age Discrimination in the light of CJEU case law
    by Declan O’Dempsey
  • Gender Stereotyping in the case law of the EU Court of Justice
    by Christa Tobler

In addition, the Law Review contains one section providing summaries of the most important case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU and of the European Court of Human Rights as well as one section presenting the key developments at national level in legislation, case-law and policy in the 35 countries that are part of the Network.