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EWSI Integration Dossier 2013/01: Recognition of Qualifications and Competencies

EWSI ID-qualif_fullWhat is an Integration Dossier?

In contrast to Special Features which link an integration issue highlighted in current news with content on the European Web Site on Integration (EWSI), Integration Dossiers use the inflow of information on the EWSI to identify emerging policy or practice trends.

Focus of the present Dossier

In the context of a declining working-age population, the EU 2020 Strategy has set the target of a 75 per cent employment rate in the EU by 2020 and pinpointed the improvement of migrants’ access to the labour market as a key action in meeting this target. In this perspective, the New Agenda on Integration has called for services to “be developed with the aim to enable the recognition of qualifications and competences from the country of origin facilitating immigrants’ possibilities to take up employment which matches their skills”.

The present Integration Dossiers uses EWSI content to draw attention to emerging national policy trends on the recognition of qualifications and competencies, and to highlight promising practices and tools.

Publications Details

Issued on

Integration & Diversity

European Web Site on Integration