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EWSI Special Feature 2012/02: Family Reunification

EWSI Special Feature 2012/02: Family Reunification

Summaryt2-362-EWSI_SF-2012 02_Family-reunification_FINAL_corr.pdf - Adobe Reader

Choosing this topic was inspired by recent developments on family reunification in Member States and at EU level, including the Green Paper on the right to family reunification of third-country nationals living in the European Union (Directive 2003/86/EC).


In contrast to EWSI Integration Dossiers, which uses the inflow of new content on the website to identify and analyse emerging trends, EWSI Special Features link an integration issue highlighted in current news with EWSI content.

Visit the European Web Site on Integration at www.integration.eu.


Publications Details

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Diversity & Integration Portal

European Web Site on Integration

EWSI Special Features