This Guide to Locating Migration Policies in the machinery of the European Commission not only maps the European Commission’s policies related to migration, including the relevant cooperation and consultation mechanisms and funding programmes, it also discusses the issue of the evaluation of policies in terms of impact and effectiveness, as well as the use of indicators.
As with the first edition, it is jointly published by the Migration Policy Group (MPG) and the European Programme for Integration and Migration of the Network of European Foundations (EPIM).
This new edition is widely recommended as a must-read by the following European actors:
“Non-governmental organisations look to Brussels for policies that enhance social inclusion and equality across the entire Union. In this up-to-date Guide the Migration Policy Group has compiled a unique resource making the European Commission’s activities on migration and integration more transparent and accessible. Civil society organisations can dip into the Guide to find out where to secure funding, find allies, share their savoir-faire and have their voices heard. ”
Roshan Di Puppo, Director of the Social Platform
“The European Commission develops legislation, policies and programmes relating to the topics of equal treatment, social justice, and the improvement of living and working conditions at many levels, in different departments and targeting different stakeholders across the EU. This Guide, Locating Migration Policies in the European Commission, provides direction through the labyrinthine EU system to show where and how these policies affect migrants and where organisations can find support for grass-roots projects and European-wide partnerships to enhance their own efforts in improving migrant integration policies. Although the Guide requires a certain initial level of knowledge about the EU-institutions, their functioning, and the jargon used, it is a useful tool for trade unions and other organisations who are interested in influencing those policies as well making full use of the Commission’s programmes for supporting them in their activities.”
Catelene Passchier, Confederal Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation
“On the issue of migration, which is taking an ever-more European dimension, little is known about the European Commission’s immigration policies and the impact they will have on the employment sector. National and multi-national companies need to design CSR strategies which might span different countries across Europe; businesses must stay informed about issues such as the status and conditions for migrants entering the EU and their subsequent access to the labour market; as well as anti-discrimination and diversity policies which have an impact on recruitment. This Guide not only sets out these policies, but shows how businesses and organisations such as CSR Europe can get involved by providing input to the EC or developing new initiatives targeting migrants.”
Jan Noterdaeme, Senior Advisor on Strategy, EU and Stakeholder Relations of Corporate Social Responsibility EUROPE
- Introduction: Migration pathways and policy streams
- Chapter 1: Mobility reasons – International relations and development
- Chapter 2: Migration purpose – Needs assessment and admission
- Chapter 3: Establishment – Immigration rules and procedures
- Chapter 4: Adjustment – Socio-economic policies
- Chapter 5: Participation – Citizenship and societal integration
- Chapter 6: On evaluating migration polices
You can view the document online or download it in full below.