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Health Vulnerability and Resilience Factors for Migrants

This thematic paper explores the health of migrants from the perspectives of vulnerability and resilience, and presents a conceptual framework by which to understand vulnerability of migrant populations and how measures to promote resilience can counteract them. The framework is applied to legislative, monitoring, health systems, and partnerships/multicountry frameworks.

As part of the thematic paper, the Migration Policy Group carried out a systematic literature review of the existing comparative quantitative research on the links between migrant health and integration policies (as measured by MIPEX). Findings confirm that integration policies, beyond specifically health integration policies, are important for reducing health inequalities between immigrants and non-immigrants, and are needed in order to tackle inequalities in health and ultimately to improve equity in health.

The publication has been prepared in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene and & Tropical Medicine and presented in February 2017 at the 2nd Global Consultation on Migrant Health jointly organised by the IOM, WHO and the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.