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Mapping capacity of civil society dealing with anti-discrimination

Mapping capacity of civil society dealing with anti-discrimination


In the context of the European Commission funded project “Capacity Building Civil Society dealing with Anti-Discrimination in new member states countries and Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey”, a stakeholder/needs analysis has been carried out in all 13 countries.

The aim of the analysis was to specify a training programme and identify target audiences for such training in each of the participating countries.

The analyses were carried out by a national expert in each of the countries on the basis of a common template with questions. The questions referred to the situation of NGOs in that country, their work, their knowledge, their potential work on anti-discrimination (discrimination based on racial and ethnic origin, religion or belief, age, disability and sexual orientation), their funding and human resource situation, etc. Most of the experts consulted with other NGOs (working with the same or with other grounds of discrimination) through meetings, telephone interviews or by asking them to also answer the questionnaire.

Once drafted, the analyses were shared with the Social Platform and its members in the relevant countries, in order to check whether the answers given by the experts reflected the views of other organisations. This was generally found to be the case.

Project Details

Issued on

Anti-Discrimination & Equality Portal

Capacity Building