Indicators of the Access to Citizenship and its Impact on Immigrant Integration (ACIT) project.
Systematic comparison of citizenship across a large number of countries requires condensing qualitative information into indicators that can be used for quantitative analysis. The wealth of data collected by EUDO CITIZENSHIP allows a much more fine-grained analysis of legal provisions, administrative procedures, statistical developments and integration effects of citizenship acquisition than previously possible. For each of these topics EUDO CITIZENSHIP, in the framework of the ACIT project, constructs separate sets of indicators. Within each topic, indicators can be visualised as European maps, bar charts, spider charts or scatter plots. Users can create their own charts online or download and integrate them into word or powerpoint files. Advanced users can also download the datafiles in excel format for further statistical analysis or forcreating charts that combine indicators across the four series.
MPG was specifically responsible for citizenship implementation indicators, which include the following dimensions:
- Promotion: how much do authorities encourage eligible applicants to apply?
- Documentation: how easy is it for applicants to prove that they meet the legal conditions?
- Discretion: how much room do authorities have to interpret the legal conditions?
- Bureaucracy: how easy is it for authorities to come to a decision?
- Review: how strong is judicial oversight of the procedure?
A country’s overall CITIMP score is calculated as the simple average of these five dimensions. Based on a 0 to 1 scale, countries with scores closer to 1 create fewer obstacles in the implementation of naturalisation law. For each of the five dimensions, procedures that score closer to 1 involve greater promotion, easier documentation, less discretion, less bureaucracy, and/or stronger review. Countries with scores closer to 0 create more obstacles in the implementation of the naturalisation law. For each of the five dimensions, procedures that score closer to 0 involve little promotion, difficult documentation, wide discretion, greater bureaucracy, and/or weak review. CITIMP indicators allow for comparisons of the specific steps in the procedure across countries. CITIMP indicators can be combined with CITLAW naturalisation indicators and CITACQ statistical indicators in order to analyse the impact of a legal regime on the rates of citizenship acquisition. Click here to access the indicators. Click here to read more about the ACIT project.