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Practice to Policy: Lessons from Local Leadership on Immigrant Integration (report)

Practice to Policy: Lessons from Local Leadership on Immigrant Integration

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In this Cities of Migration publication, MPG Director Jan Niessen explores the dynamic interplay between the global and local dimensions of integration policies.

The publication looks at what successful municipal practices can teach us about the impact of good policy and strong leadership. Four international experts contribute analysis and policy insights on the range of municipal levers available to promote both immigrants and city success. The publication highlights policy solutions that make sense in both local contexts and within the frameworks of national immigration strategies.

In particular, Jan’s essay opens with a reminder that mobility is among the main characteristics of city life, and that this calls for comprehensive policy responses. Next, it looks at the distinction between public, civic and private sector policies that cuts across all levels of governance, and argues that these sectors should reflect the diversity of the population in the way they operate. It looks at how national policies can create favourable integration conditions at the local level. Finally, it examines international trends in migration policy.

This publication is based on a webinar, the recording and slides of which can be viewed below.

Jan previously shared his findings at a Cities of Migration webinar organised on the same theme.