Promoting integration through English and multiculturalism: UK compared to Australia & Canada
New study by the Migration Policy Group compares the migrant integration policies of the UK with Australia and Canada
A new MIPEX assessment by Thomas Huddleston, Policy Analyst at the Migration Policy Group, finds that Brits should have confidence in their country’s decades-long policies on settlement and citizenship. They get a ‘slightly favourable’ score for integrating legal residents from outside the EU.
These laws are nearly as beneficial for the UK as they are for traditional immigration countries like Australia and Canada. However new UK proposals on family reunion and language tests demonstrate that British politicians critically misunderstand what is multiculturalism in these two Commonwealth countries and how immigrants learn English in other English-speaking countries.
Click here to download the report.
MPG published new MIPEX data on Australia that is directly comparable with previous data on Canada, the United States, Japan, and the 29 European countries in MIPEX III.
This report updates data on the United Kingdom based on the scrapping of “Earned Citizenship” and the new pre-entry English test for non-EU spouses. The other MIPEX III data is still current for the UK, Canada and the US, since no major policy changes occurred that would alter the indicator scores. Once these few changes were inputted into the MIPEX database, the UK’s scores and rankings adjusted accordingly to reflect British policy today.
This report also mentions prospective UK data from a MIPEX impact assessment of current proposals on family reunion and “indefinite leave to remain” (long-term residence).
The Migrant Integration Policy Index is a fully interactive online tool and reference guide to assess, compare and improve migrant integration policy.
All the results are available to view and use at
Two new countries have today joined the MIPEX: Australian and Japanese integration policies can now be compared with 31 countries in Europe and North America