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Specific reports on (i) Equality Data and LGBTI people and (ii) Equality Data based on Racial and Ethnic Origin

As far as data collection is concerned, the grounds of sexual orientation/gender identity on the one hand and racial/ethnic origin on the other are particularly challenging, in different ways. While sexual orientation and gender identity are clearly the grounds in relation to which the least data is being collected across the EU, very little data is collected directly on racial or ethnic origin although a lot of more or less useful proxies are used in this regard. For this and other reasons, a separate thematic report was produced for each of these grounds, one on data related to LGBTI people and another on data related to ethnic minorities. These two reports present and analyse the information contained in the national reports produced for the purpose of the Mapping report with regard specifically to these two grounds, and are authored by Lilla Farkas (senior ground expert for ethnic and racial origin) and Mark Bell (senior ground expert for sexual orientation and gender identity) respectively.

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