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Who are Europe’s new citizens? What immigrants have to say

Policy brief Citizenship_with-layout_adobe.pdf - Adobe ReaderThe results of the Immigrant Citizens Survey confirm a great variation in non-EU-born immigrants’ acquisition of citizenship across the 15 European cities included in the survey.

Whether or not immigrants become European citizens is significantly determined not only by the citizenship policies in countries of residence and origin, but also by immigrants’ interest and ability to naturalise.

Further analysis of ICS help to explain under what conditions non-EU-born immigrants apply and are accepted for naturalisation. The ICS data contains immigrant-specific variables (e.g. education and work experience in country of origin vs. residence, channel of migration) and more information on the path to citizenship (acquisition of different legal statuses, application vs. acceptance rates, problems in the procedure, perceived effects of naturalisation).

The Immigrant Citizens Survey asks immigrants to assess their aspirations and needs for integration and then evaluate how effective policies are in meeting them. The pilot starts in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.

Visit our satellite website www.immigrantsurvey.org to get the complete results of the Survey.

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Diversity & Integration

Immigrant Citizens Survey

Immigrant Citizens Survey publications