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European Anti-discrimination Legal Network (EADLN)

Reversing the burden of proof: Practical dilemmas at the European and national levels

A new thematic report has been published by the European Network of Legal Experts in the non-discrimination field, entitled ‘Reversing the burden of proof: Practical dilemmas at the European and national levels’. The authors, Lilla Farkas who is the ground coordinator of the Network for race and ethnic origin and Orlagh O’Farrell who is the national expert for Ireland, examine the theoretical implications as well as the implementation and application …Read More

Combating sexual orientation discrimination in the European Union

The European Network of Legal Experts in the non-discrimination field has published a new thematic report entitled ‘Combating sexual orientation discrimination in the European Union’, authored by Dorota Pudzianowska and Krzysztof Śmiszek of the Polish Centre for human rights, under the supervision of Professor Christa Tobler who is the senior coordinator for EU law of the Network. The report examines the existing legal frameworks prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination, on international …Read More

Country reports on measures to combat discrimination 2013

These reports were drafted for the European Network of Legal Experts in the non-discrimination field (on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, age, disability, religion or belief and sexual orientation), established and managed by the Migration Policy Group and Human European Consultancy. They were produced as part of a study into measures to combat discrimination in the EU Member States, funded by the European Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity …Read More

Report on discrimination of Roma children in education

The European Network of legal experts in the non-discrimination field has published a new thematic report entitled Discrimination of Roma children in education, authored by Lilla Farkas. This report provides an update to a previous thematic report by the same author published by the Network in 2007, entitled Segregation of Roma children in education: Addressing structural discrimination through the Race Equality Directive. This new report demonstrates that seven years after …Read More

European Anti-discrimination Law Review Issue 19

The nineteenth edition of the bi-annual European Anti-Discrimination Law Review has been published (available in English). The Law Review provides two in-depth analytical articles as well as an overview of the latest developments in European anti-discrimination law and policy, reflecting as far as possible the state of affairs as of 15 June 2014. In this issue: Discrimination and its Sanctions – Symbolic vs. Effective Remedies in European Anti-discrimination Law by …Read More

European Anti-discrimination Law Review Issue 18

The eighteenth edition of the bi-annual European Anti-Discrimination Law Review, available in English has been published. The Law Review provides two in-depth analytical articles as well as an overview of the latest developments in European anti-discrimination law and policy, reflecting as far as possible the state of affairs as of 15 January 2014. In this issue: Duty in the United Kingdom to have due regard to equality by Barbara Cohen …Read More

Developing Anti-discrimination Law in Europe – the 28 EU Member States, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey compared (2014)

The adoption in 2000 of the Racial Equality Directive (2000/43) and of the Employment Equality Directive (2000/78) set in motion an unprecedented movement in all EU Member States as well as many other European countries towards the adoption and review of national anti-discrimination legislation. 13 years later, these landmark Directives have been transposed in all EU Member States, and anti-discrimination legislation on the grounds protected by these Directives – race …Read More

Reasonable accommodation beyond disability in Europe?

The European Network of Legal Experts in the Non-discrimination field has published a new thematic report entitled “Reasonable accommodation beyond disability in Europe?”. The authors, Emmanuelle Bribosia and Isabelle Rorive, provide an extensive analysis of the concept of reasonable accommodation, which implies that an accommodation of the physical, social or normative environment is sometimes necessary to allow individuals with certain personal characteristics to access opportunities, goods and services on an …Read More

Equality law: What kind of equality?

On 29 November 2013 the sixth annual legal seminar of the European Network of Legal Experts in the non-discrimination field, managed by MPG, was organized in cooperation with the European Network of Legal Experts in the field of gender equality. The seminar attracted 141 participants, including representatives of the European Commission, of EU Member States governments, of Equality Bodies and of EU umbrella-organisations. The seminar also brought together a number …Read More

National protection beyond the two EU anti-discrimination Directives: The grounds of religion and belief, disability, age and sexual orientation beyond employment

A new thematic report has been published by the European network of legal experts in the non-discrimination field, entitled ‘National protection beyond the two EU anti-discrimination Directives: The grounds of religion and belief, disability, age and sexual orientation beyond employment’. The purpose of the report, authored by Aileen McColgan who is the expert of the Network for the United Kingdom and a practising lawyer, is to provide a context in …Read More