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Migrant Integration Policy Index

Moldova: a MIPEX Assessment

Achievements made in the area of migrant integration by the OSCE participating States are noteworthy. However, more remains to be done. Progress is uneven across the region as migrants continue to experience various barriers, indirect and direct, that prevent them from integration in the life of the societies of their receiving countries. The Republic of Moldova (hereinafter – Moldova) has been confronted with the issue of integration of migrants only …Read More

The Dynamics between Integration Policies and Outcomes: a Synthesis of the Literature

This paper reviews the comparative multi-level quantitative research on the links between integration policies, the integration situation of immigrants and a wide range of individual and contextual factors. Twenty-two reviewed studies and additional supporting articles indicate that a number of individual and contextual variables explain most of the variation between countries in terms of immigrants’ labour market integration, educational attainment, naturalisation and political participation. Thanks to the use of MIPEX …Read More

Integration policies and public opinion: in conflict or in harmony?

This paper investigates the statistical relationship between integration policies and public opinion toward immigrants. Overall, the eighteen reviewed studies indicate that integration policies are strongly associated with the general public’s level of perceived threat from immigrants and, perhaps, to their level of anti-immigrant attitudes. Inclusive policies can be said to reduce the level of perceived threat while exclusionary policies tend to reinforce perceptions of threat. Since most studies could not …Read More

Turkey: A Migrant Integration Policy Index assessment

Among the OSCE countries with a relatively new tradition of immigration, Turkey stands out as a particularly significant hub of migration flows for regular migrants, as well as for those irregular and in transit. While the country has historically been at the centre of major movements of voluntary and forced in-migrants, throughout much of the 20th century it was regarded as a country of emigration. Turkey’s geographical position, relative prosperity and …Read More

A Regional MIPEX Assessment of FYROM, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Integration policies in Croatia, FYROM, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are barely halfway favourable for societal integration, scoring below the European average and alongside other ‘new’ immigration countries in MIPEX, such as Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic. Newcomers in these countries will face slightly more obstacles than opportunities to participate in society. These countries are at different stages of their EU accession, with Croatia as the newest …Read More

Comparing and measuring integration

This short paper first proposes how a definition of integration can be developed by a variety of actors, in such a way that it reflects these actors’ mandate and mission. It then argues that all integration may be local but that not all policies are local. Finally it gives an example how integration policies can be compared and measured using the MIPEX – the Migrant Integration Policy Index. The paper …Read More

Paving the Way for Integration: The Pathways to Citizenship in France and the United States

This publication provides an update of the MIPEX country profiles for France and the United States as well as a comparative report on the path to citizenship in both countries, based on supplementary questionnaires answered by experts at France terre d’asile and the Immigration Policy Center. A clear path to citizenship is a sign of a confident country of immigration. During the twentieth century, naturalization became central to the integration …Read More

Practice to Policy: Lessons from Local Leadership on Immigrant Integration (report)

In this Cities of Migration publication, MPG Director Jan Niessen explores the dynamic interplay between the global and local dimensions of integration policies. The publication looks at what successful municipal practices can teach us about the impact of good policy and strong leadership. Four international experts contribute analysis and policy insights on the range of municipal levers available to promote both immigrants and city success. The publication highlights policy solutions that make …Read More

What can international comparisons of outcomes and policies tell us about ‘good practices’ of migrant education?

This research paper authored by MPG Policy Analyst Jasper Dag Tjaden and published by the Itinera Institute, focuses on migrant education in comparative perspective. There has been much attention on immigrant education as immigrants represent a growing share of the EU’s future labour force. Today, we see persistent lower achievement of immigrants in education compared to non-immigrants in almost all OECD countries. However, to make the comparison between groups and between …Read More

The Participation of Immigrants in Political Processes and Institutions

This eBook published by the European Union Democracy Observatory features an article by MPG Director Jan Niessen on The Participation of Immigrants in Political Processes and Institutions. In this publication, academics, policy-makers, and representatives of civil society explore the history and nature of migrant political participation in Europe and consider policy options for remedying the democratic deficit in light of the political realities of modern Europe. The contributors provide a comprehensive discussion of …Read More