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Researchers and NGOs meet on citizenship 21/06/2012 – 22/06/2012 Florence, Italy


The first results of research on citizenship impacts will be discussed by partners in the project, ‘Access to citizenship and its impact on immigrant integration’ (ACIT).


The project is developing four sets of citizenship indicators on laws, implementation, acquisition rates, and the impacts on integration. MIPEX is one source of inspiration for the law indicators. MPG has developed the indicators on implementing measures. Research has taken place for all 27 EU Member States and accession candidate and EEA countries (Croatia, Iceland, FYROM Macedonia, Norway, Switzerland, and Turkey). During the autumn, national stakeholder dialogues will be organised by NGO/think-tank  partners in 10 countries (Austria, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Portugal,  Spain, United Kingdom).

Thomas Huddleston will speak on Citizenship and the MIPEX project.