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Second round of training for MPG’s Deputy Director for EU nationals in the view of registering for the 2014 May European elections – Luxembourg – 22-23 January 2014

OLAI_logoIn the course of its information and sensitization campaign directed at EU nationals’ registration on electoral lists for elections, OLAI* has organised a first multipliers training in December 2013. Following the success of the first training session that took place on 2-3 December 2013, a second session is organised in order to allow other individuals or organisations to participate.

This session is dedicated to members of the Chambers of Commerce, Professional Chambers, political parties, local Consultative Commission for Integration and any other organisation. The main objective is again to sensitise EU nationals to the forthcoming European elections and provide them with the necessary information regarding the national electoral legislation. It aims at reflecting and exchanging on the registration on electoral lists for the European elections and will provide the multipliers with communication tools enabling them to convince EU nationals to register .

This training will take place together with the European Parliament Information Office in Luxembourg, the CEFIS (Intercultural and Social Research and Training Centre), OLAI and MPG, on 22d and 23rd January 2014 at the Maison de l’Europe, in Luxembourg.
For further information and registration please see here.

*OLAI is the Luxembourg Reception and Integration Agency is a public agency under the auspices of the Ministry of Family and Integration, in charge of implementing the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg’s reception and integration policy.