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Seminar on Employment Indicators 25/06/2012 – 26/06/2012 Berlin, Germany


MPG and its partners have been selected by the European Commission to organise a series of European reports and seminars around the new European indicators of migrant integration.


With our partners the European Service Network and researchers from the Free University of Brussels (ULB) and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) the next step in the process is the upcoming seminar in Berlin from the 25-26th of June 2012, to analyse if the difference in integration realities in EU Member States is due to

  • integration and migration policies
  • immigrant populations
  • or general contexts and policies.
Berlin Seminar on Employment indicators

Along with future seminars on Education and Social Inclusion and Active Citizenship, this invte-only seminar will bring together 90-95 experts; representatives from civil society, policymakers and statistical experts who will bring their combined expertise and insights to the table. All participants will have first-hand working knowledge of producing, analysing and using indicators on employment.

A first set of workshops will address the impact of different migration and integration policies, immigrant populations, and general policies and contexts. Participants will engage the longer term implications of these findings.

The second set of workshops will address the current and future policy options and data sources.

Plenary sessions will introduce participants to the recent achievements on indicators at EU and national level.

All these discussions will help shape and feed back into the project’s final reports and proposals.

The final agenda and two information sheets are available here for your consideration. Information sheet one details the various stages in the development of integration indicators while the second provides more general background about the development of integration indicators.

For more information on the programme, please see here.

Background information

For background to the project and previous events, please see the 2009 Berlin conference and the 2009 Malmo conference, both with background papers and presentations.