A major study by the German Federal Anti-discrimination Agency (FADA) uses MIPEX to compare Germany to other countries. The study cites MIPEX as a useful tool to understand integration policies in a comparative perspective. “Der MIPEX ist ein hilfreiches Instrument, um einen Überblick über Integrationspoliti-ken im Vergleich zu gewinnen. In diesem Sinn ist der Befund, dass Deutschlands Anti-diskriminierungspolitik mit Platz 22 unter dem Durchschnitt liegt, als eine Aufforde-rung an Deutschland …Read More
Tag Archives: Diversity and integration
Migrant Voices – Mainstreaming Diversity in Political Parties Information
How to Present a Discrimation Claim (Dummy)
The European Network of Legal Experts in the field of non-discrimination, managed by the Migration Policy Group and Human European Consultancy, has published a Handbook providing guidance to victims of discrimination The new handbook “How to present a Discrimination Claim – Handbook on seeking remedies under the EU Non-discrimination Directives” authored by Lilla Farkas constitutes a unique tool providing simple and basic guidance to victims of discrimination on identifying discrimination …Read More
Migrant Voices – Mainstreaming Diversity in Political Parties (summary) [Dummy]
MPG undertook a pilot project funded by the European Programme on Integration and Migration (EPIM) to assess the extent to which migrants’ voices are successfully heard at all levels of interaction with political parties (constituents, voters, activists, employees, and political candidates). A major output was the development of benchmarks to help parties “practice what they preach” by mainstreaming diversity practices into party processes across the political spectrum.
Flemish Integration Forum endorses MPG’s Tool for Mainstreaming Diversity in Political Parties
The Flemish Integration Forum calls on political parties to use the Migration Policy Group’s tool to mainstream diversity across their party operations The Flemish Integration Forum (Minderhedenforum) has published a report on the political participation of immigrants in Flanders, coming to the conclusion that Flemish politics does not sufficiently represent the diversity of the population. The Report, ‘Koplopers Van De Politieke Participatie: Rapport etnische diversiteit bij lokale mandatarissen’ (in Dutch) …Read More