Citizenship tests in the UK will change later this month. This prompted the Financial Times to write a column on the necessity of citizenship tests. MPG Policy Analyst Jasper Dag Tjaden was quoted in the column, saying “I really do think that citizenship tests are more about political symbolism than effective policy making”. Click here for more information about our project Acquisition of citizenship and its impact on immigrant integration …Read More
Tag Archives: Value Migration
Value Migration (summary)
Value Migration: What influences the transition from international student to highly skilled migrant? Analysing Europe’s competitiveness in the retention of international students and graduates.Read More
An article on the final conference of the Access to citizenship and its impact on immigrant integration (ACIT) project
In an article entiltled “How citizenship reinforces immigrants’ integration?”, the Welfare Society Territory journal (WEST) reported from the final conference of the Access to citizenship and its impact on immigrant integration (ACIT) project: “The report shows that, according to most indicators, the access to citizenship reduces the gaps with natives. If immigrants are more likely to be unemployed or overqualified in their jobs than natives, naturalization generally boosts their integration, …Read More
The EU Immigration portal now in Spanish
The EU Immigration Portal, providing useful information on migration to and within the EU to migrants, is now available in Spanish. The Portal was developed by a consortium in which MPG was responsible for content. The website is a tool with hands-on information for foreign nationals interested in moving to the EU or for migrants who are already in Europe and would like to move from one member country to …Read More
EU Court of Auditors uses MIPEX to select European Integration Fund countries to be audited
In its recent report on the effectiveness of the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals, the European Court of Auditors used MIPEX to select the five countries to be audited. This special report entitled ‘Do the European Integration Fund and European Refugee Fund contribute effectively to the integration of third-country nationals?‘ addressed whether the European Integration Fund and European Refugee Fund of the SOLID programme contribute effectively to …Read More
Immigrant Citizens Survey showcased in King Baudouin Foundation’s newsletter
The Immigrant Citizens Survey, which asks immigrants to assess their aspirations and needs for integration and then evaluate how effective policies are in meeting them, features in the latest edition of the King Baudouin Foundation’s newsletter. In the newsletter, MPG Policy Analyst Thomas Huddleston explains, “We asked immigrants whether the policies are helping them to better integrate into society. This is a first in Europe. On-the-ground experience has been missing …Read More
The Immigrant Citizens Survey told by a surveyor
One of the surveyors in the Immigrant Citizens Survey (ICS) shares her experience of surveying immigrants, sums up the results, and compares findings with the Migrant Integration Policy Index. Csilla Katona asked immigrants in Budapest to assess their aspirations and needs for integration and then evaluate how effective policies are in meeting them. To each immigrant, she asked the following: Background characteristics Current level of satisfaction Future aspirations Awareness of …Read More
Cyprus EU Presidency conference refers to MIPEX as non-binding system to monitor policies
In the Concept Note for its Expert Conference on Integration of Immigrants, the Cyprus EU Presidency refers to the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) as a non-binding system to monitor policies. The Concept Note refers to MIPEX as “a particularly useful policy tool to compare and contrast how each country is doing in the various policies, as well getting a global picture on the EU as a whole (and beyond)” …Read More
EU Commission for Home Affairs considers the Immigrant Citizens Survey “very useful”
Cecilia Malmström, EU Commission for Home Affairs, cited the Immigrant Citizens Survey as a “very useful contribution” to the immigration and integration debate. At a conference organised by the European Policy Centre, Cecilia Malmström, EU Commission for Home Affairs, described the Immigrant Citizens Survey as a “very useful contribution” because it showed that “the public debate is focused solely upon problems, whereas migrants views are often more positive”. The report …Read More
Der Spiegel refers to Value Migration project
Der Spiegel, the leading German news magazine, refers to the Value Migration project and its Mobile Talent publication to relate the fact that Germany fails to retain highly-qualified international students upon completion of their studies: Deutschland scheitert daran, internationale Absolventen als Fachkräfte im Land zu halten, belegt eine neue Studie. Die Autoren kritisieren: Mindestens drei von vier ausländischen Hochqualifizierten wollen nach dem Studium gerne bleiben, wissen aber oft nicht wie. …Read More