Now online! MPG’s literature review about the link between migration dynamics, policies and outcomes
This week, as part of the Horizon2020 HumMingBird project, MPG has published a literature review entitled “The link between migration policies and migration and migration integration dynamics.”
The paper, authored by Giacomo Solano, Sinem Yilmaz, and Thomas Huddleston, draws upon more than 200 articles, papers and reports.
The authors explore the link between migration policies and migration and migrant integration dynamics, providing an overview and analysis of key findings from the existing literature.
The key findings include:
- Existing studies suggest that refugee crises and high inflows of refugees & asylum seekers can lead to a backlash in countries’ migration policy frameworks.
- Countries with a long-standing immigration tradition and a colonial past are more likely to extend rights to migrants and to have more favourable integration policies.
- Right-wing parties are more likely than left-wing to adopt anti-migrant attitudes, and less likely to adopt policy measures to welcome migrants and expand their rights.
- Although several studies confirm that restrictive migration policies decrease migration flows and affect their skills composition, there are also unintended consequences, such as discouraging return migration and encouraging irregular movements.
- Restrictive migration and migrant integration policies create a ‘vicious circle’ of exclusion that reinforces fear and separation, while inclusive policies create a ‘virtuous circle’ integration that promotes openness and interaction.
- Under inclusive policies, migrants develop positive attitudes about their identity, their health, their satisfaction with life, their trust in society and their participation in politics, as well as receiving other benefits, such as upskilling and a path to citizenship.
You can download the full literature review here.
About HumMingBird:
This literature review is a deliverable of the Horizon2020 HumMingBird project, which aims at responding to the needs of understanding the changing nature of migration by analysing patterns, drivers, geographies and emerging trends.
Read more about the HumMingBird project
What is MPG’s role:
MPG leads research on migration policy indicators at the national level by carrying out statistical analyses and writing academic reports on the link between migration policies, migration dynamics and integration outcomes.
About the Migration Policy Group (MPG)
MPG is an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. MPG’s purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination.