November MIPEX Citations

The is a unique tool which measures integration policies in 56 countries across 8 policy areas. It provides up-to-date, comprehensive research data and analysis on which to base policies, proposals for change and projects.
Besides data on national integration policies, MPG now also gather data on policies at the regional – Regin (MIPEX-R) – and local levels – Whole-COMM (MIPEX-L).
“ The Black Ceiling: Employment Experiences of Women of Colour in Southwest Ireland ”
About the Migration Policy Group (MPG)
MPG is an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. MPG’s purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination.
This article by Prof Margaret Linehan and Dr Corina Sheerin published in the South West Open Research Deposit delves into the challenges faced by women of color in the labor market in southwest Ireland. Their experiences are shaped by a double challenge of being both female and persons of color. The report emphasizes the need for educating the labor market and wider society about the challenges of this group of employees. It offers valuable insights into the experiences of women of color in employment context, rendering it a useful resource for stakeholders.