A comparative analysis of non-discrimination law in Europe – 2023
This report offers a crosscutting comparison and analysis of the transposition of anti-discrimination law in all 27 EU member states based on 27 individual country reports.
The report further presents the general trends in European anti-discrimination policy and points out some of the remaining dilemmas in the application of antidiscrimination legislation.
It also gives an overview of the main substantive issues in both the Racial Equality and Employment Equality Directives: the grounds of discrimination, the definition of grounds and scope, exceptions to the principle of equal treatment and positive action, access to justice and effective enforcement, and equality bodies.
About the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination
The European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination was established in December 2014 and combines two previously existing networks: the European Network of Legal Experts in the Non-discrimination Field and the European Network of Legal Experts in the field of Gender Equality.

Isabelle Chopin
Director of the Migration Policy Group

Catharina Germaine
Anti-Discrimination Legal Policy Analyst
About the Migration Policy Group (MPG)
MPG is an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. MPG’s purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination.
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